
Welcome to my blog on the profession of Athletic Training. I want to use this as forum to comment on issues in the profession, talk about techniques, hints, tricks of the trade, product reviews, etc. So join me!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NATA Think Tanks

I decided to check out the NATA Think Tanks section on their website. You need to log into the members section and follow the link on the left side. The registration process did not go well. I followed the link to register and was eventually sent an email directing me to another link to finish the registration process. The only problem was that the page that I was sent to was the original registration page. The email directed me to click on a link on the upper left corner. There was no link, I was just sent back to square one. I emailed the NATA staff member who sent the original email telling her that I was getting no where. She did respond back promptly that she would inform the tech people and they would get back to me. Well, a week goes by and no response from the NATA tech people. I then email the original contact and ask "what is going on"? She again responds back promptly and forwards my email to the tech guys again. They do respond back right away with a new link and instructions. I am finally registered.

I emailed back the tech guy and told him that everything was working fine. I also asked him how they expected people to participate in these Think Tanks if it so difficult to register. He stated that it has been a problem over the last couple of months and they may be looking at a different software vendor.

So anyway, I am finally in. The Think Tanks are divided into different areas of interest.

Clinical & Emerging Practices
Athletic Trainer Life Balance
Meeting Planning
Diversity and Gender Issues 
Public Relations
Secondary School
Young Professional

You choose the areas that interests you but once registered you have access to all subject areas.  It looks like these forums began in September of 2008.  There are not many posts in many of them. Fundraising has 8 and Health Care Reform has 6.  The most traffic is in the Secondary School and College/University. 496 and 112 respectively.  Some threads are very entertaining, especially in the Secondary School discussion.  You will get a good laugh out of, Coaches ...... Who has the best storyParents....who has the best story, or Athletes say/do the darndest things.  Great reads and of great educational value to entry level AT's or students.

Overall, I think the Think Tanks are a great idea, but it seems their execution is wanting.  Participation is key in a discussion forum and if it is difficult to sign up you will not end up with new subscribers you need to keep things interesting. I think the NATA needs to push these more.  

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